What is Home Health Care???
- Home Health Care is medical care provided wherever your home may be the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services say it's usually less expensive more convenient just as effective as care you get in a hospital or Skilled Nursing Facility but what is Home Health Care all about here's how it happens.
- Your doctor decides that you need medical care at home perhaps your returning from the hospital or after an illness or surgery or you're already home but you need a little more help staying well and strong.
- Your home health care provider works with your doctor to order the special services you need and assembles your care team.
- Nurses and therapist come to your house. You'll learn new exercises skills, and facts that can help you better manage a chronic illness or get back on your feet.
- With the help of your home health care team you can meet your health goals and stay out of the hospital safe and independent at home.